Know All The Mysteries Related to the Jagannath Puri Temple 

Devotees come from different regions yearly to explore the mysteries behind the Jagannath Puri Temple. However, there is a history behind the temple’s establishment. The Jagannath Temple is a temple of Lord Vishnu. It has high walls designed to make it mysterious. 

Introduction of Jagannath Puri Temple

Jagannath Puri Temple is a temple of Lord Jagannath, a form of Lord Vishnu, located in Puri, Odisha, on the eastern coast of India. Lord Krishna is the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu. The temple has three wooden deities (gods): Lord Jagannath (Krishna), Subhadra, and Balbhadra. The temple is popular because of Rath Yathra. 

Every year, the three deities of the Gods are taken on the raths. Rameshwaram, Dwarkadheesh, Jagannath Puri and Badrinath are the purest and holistic dham. Moreover, the temples were built by King Indradyumna, who saw a big wooden chariot floating in the sea, and he believed it was Lord Vishnu. In the 16th century, King Prataparudra Deva of the Gajapati dynasty started the construction of the present-day temple.

Facts About Jagannath Puri Temple

Many facts about this temple are still a mystery. People say that science does not work here. Devotees travel from different countries to see these mysteries with their eyes. The main mysteries are:

1. Temple has no shadow

The temple has no shadow, and yes, it is true. No one can see the temple’s shadow in the morning, afternoon, or evening. Undoubtedly, hats off to our ancestors who made this beautiful temple. It has become a topic of debate. Devotees consider it a miracle of God, whereas other people believe it is because of the amazing design of the temple. Nobody knows the reason behind it. 

2. Opposite floating flag

If I say things can flow opposite the wind, you won’t believe it, right? But it is also true. The flag floats opposite the air on the top of Jagannath Temple. It is also the most mysterious thing that can be seen. Even scientists are confused here as it is not possible. Also, the priest needs to change the flags of Jagannath Puri Temple daily. If the priest misses any day, the temple will close for 18 years. 

3. Shape of Chakra

The chakra is designed so that anyone can see its shape from any place in Puri. Not only the shape but the proper face of the chakra. It shows that the people who designed the chakra were way more than talented. 

4. Nothing can fly above the temple

Since the temple’s establishment, no bird has flown above the temple and sea. This is unknown because nothing can fly or sit on the temple or the area. That whole area is prohibited. However, there is no particular reason behind this. It can be any energy opposing and letting things fly above the temple.

5. Shortage of food

Approximately 5000- 20,00,000 devotees come to the temple daily for worship and take Prashadam. But till date, Prashad has never fallen short of it and never gets wasted, and every devotee gets it. The Prashad was made in an earthen pot with the help of wood. 

Moreover, one of the mysterious things is that seven pots are on top of each other. The food from the top pot cooks first, then second, and lastly, the food from the last pot cooks. It is said that in any situation, all the Prashad gets over by the end of the day.

6. Sound of Waves

When devotees enter the temple through Singh Dawar, they constantly hear the sound of waves. But the moment they put their legs inside the temple, the sound stops and feels like mute. It is nothing less than a miracle. Similarly, when you come out of the Dawar, the sound of waves becomes audible. However, it is said that it happens because of Subhadra Mayi, as she likes peace in the temple. 

7. Deites changing

Every year, the deities (gods) change, and during that time, the state government cuts down on electricity. It is said that something inside the old deities is also put inside the new deities. People say it is the heart of Lord Krishna. 

Moreover, even the priests who changed the deities earlier have said it feels like a heart. The priest’s eyes are tightly tied with black cloth, so he cannot see it. If anyone sees the deities changing, they will die in the moment. However, Rath Yatra takes place on this day. 

History of Attacks on Jagannath Temple

There are many attacks on Jagannath Puri Temple, and they are:

1.  800 A.D- Attack by “Raktabahu”

2. 1340 A.D- Attack by Illias Shahi

3. 1360 A.D- Attack by Feroz Shah Tughlaq 

4. 1509 A.D- Attack by Ismail Ghazi 

5. 1568 A.D- Attack by Kalapahada 

6. 1592 A.D- Attack by Suleman and Osha

7. 1601 A.D- Attack by Mirza Khurram 

8. 1608 A.D- Attack by Hasim Khan 

9. 1610 A.D- Attack by Kesodamaru 

10. 1611 A.D- Attack by Kalyan Mal 

11. 1612 A.D- Attack by Kalyan Mal 

12. 1617 A.D- Attack by Mukarram Khan 

13. 1621 A.D- Attack by Mirza Ahmad Beg 

14. 1645 A.D- Attack by Amir Mutaquad Khan 

15. 1647 A.D- Attack by Amir Fateh Khan 

16. 1692 A.D- Attack by order of Aurangzeb 

17. 1731 A.D. and 1733 A.D- Attack by Muhammad Taqi Khan

18. 1881 A.D- Attack by followers of Mahima Dharma

Bottom Line

Jagannath Puri Temple is a temple located in Puri, Odisha. The temple has many mysterious things, such as no shadow, flags floating opposite the wind, waves, sounds, and more. Every day, approximately 5,000 to 2,0,00,000 devotees visit to explore the temple. However, the reason behind these mysteries is yet to be known. 

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