A Step By Step Guide On How to Get Venus in Infinite Craft

Infinite Craft is one of the most fun and engaging games. You can create all kinds of cool and interesting things, even mythical beings, in the game. However, the best part about this game is that you can make Venus. Venus represents both the planet and also the goddess of love. If you are interested in mythological things and exploring space, you must read this guide on “How to get Venus in Infinite Craft?”

How to Get Venus in Infinite Craft

Getting Venus in Infinite Craft is quite difficult at times. But we have got you at some of the methods that are mentioned below:

1. Start with the basics and combine Island with Venus Flytrap. This is one of the direct methods to create Venus.

2. Another way to get Venus is by trying out the following set of combinations:

Wind + Fire = Smoke

Smoke + Water = Fog

Earth + Wind = Dust

Dust + Earth = Planet

Planet + Fog = Venus

Trying all these combinations enables you to create Venus in the game and discover more possibilities for exploration and creativity.

Recipes Involving Venus

After you know how to get Venus in Infinite Craft, you can go further by combining it with other elements. By doing so, you can create very interesting things and characters. This is sure to make the game more entertaining and enjoyable.

Love + Venus = Cupid

Human + Venus = Aphrodite

Iron + Venus = Titan

Rain+ Venus = Flower

Venus + Venus = Comet

Tsunami + Venus = Aphrodite

Wedding + Venus = Honeymoon

Try out these recipes to make the game more engaging.

How to Get Venus Flytrap in Infinite Craft

Now that you have learned “how to get Venus in Infinite Craft”, you can also craft a Venus Flytrap. You may need Venus Flytrap before Venus. Let’s look at how you can make Venus Flytrap in Infinite Craft step by step:

1. Fire + Fire = Volcano: Start by creating a Volcano.

2. Water + Earth = Plant: Combine Water and Earth to make a Plant.

3. Plant + Water = Swamp: Add Water to the Plant to form a Swamp.

4. Water + Planet = Venus Flytrap: Finally, combine Water with a Planet to create the Venus Flytrap.

With the Venus Flytrap in your inventory, you can now easily create Venus by combining it with an Island. Additionally, combining two Venus Flytraps will give you a Giant Venus Flytrap, a powerful and rare item in the game.


This blog has given a step-by-step guide on “how to get Venus in Infinite Craft”. Creating Venus and the Venus Flytrap in Infinite Craft opens up a world of possibilities, from exploring mythological themes to crafting interstellar items. Follow the steps above, and start experimenting with different combinations to see what else you can create.

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