8+ Scary Games To Play With Friends For Fun In Night

When your friends come for a sleepover, what do you do most of the time? Watch movies or play dumb charades. But that was boring. Try some scary games to play with friends and siblings. I remember my friends, and I used to play many scary games at night. However, it can be scary initially and can even make you pee in your pants. But later, it becomes fun.

Try these games if you and your friends love ghost stories or webseries. You will expect the unexpected things. So, plan this game trick for the next time your friends come for a night’s stay. Let’s see your friend’s capacity to bear fear without further ado. 

8 Scary Games To Play With Friends 

These scary games will be remembered for the rest of your life, so if you are brave enough to play, only try to take your step further. 

8. Concentrate

Concentrate is a game that those below 18 years old can also play. The game demands two players to sit on chairs at one time. The players need to sing the rhyme of Concentrate Concentrate. The rhyme is available on YouTube and Google. Also, you can avoid the rhyming. There is a list of colours that have different meanings. The colour list is listed below:

1. Red: stabbed

2. Blue: drowned

3. Yellow: poisoned

4. Orange: burned

5. Green: falling from a great height

6. Purple: suffocation

7. Brown: buried alive

8. Gray: disease

9. Black: of old age and goes to Hell

10. White: of old age and goes to Heaven

Trust me, this is one of the most interesting games my friends and I used to play. So, the chair’s back should touch together, and the faces are in opposite directions. Now, one of the players puts a finger on the back of another one. They have to choose a colour with closed eyes, which eventually becomes the reason for the death. 

If the game sounds boring, you need to play it better. The game can be played with a group of friends. However, later, your friends can make fun of you because of your death reason. You can also change the meaning of different colours. 

7. Ghostly Glow Hide And Seek

The game has been one of my favourites since childhood. It is one of the scary games to play with friends at sleepovers. When my cousins came for a sleepover, we used to play it. It is the simplest yet scariest game that I have played. In this game, we need some shiny and glowy objects like radium. It is a hide-and-seek game but with some twist. 

In a dark room, all the participants have to hide and make sure not to make any noise. One of the participants has to find all the hidden participants. Now, he will slowly come to you. The fear you will feel during that time is speechless. 

6. The Answer Man

One of the scary games to play with friends at sleepovers makes fun is The Answer Man. In this game, you will need ten friends standing in a circle with their phones. They have to make a call to the left-side person’s phone. However, almost 7-8 person’s phones will respond busy. If someone receives a call on their phone, the caller will ask a question. 

Moreover, in return, the receiver will also ask the caller a question. They will give a scary punishment if they do not respond or do not like the answer. My friends and I have played this game many times. The more you play, the more fun you will have. 

5. Red Book

I remember playing this game for almost three hours and getting stuck. Well, in the game, you have to take a red book. The participants must circle and put a lightning candle on the book. Make sure the book is in the circle. To make the situation more scary, close all the lights, turn off all the sounds, and even silence your phone. 

Now ask the book, ‘Red Book. Can I start the game?’ Open any page and slide your finger on any word. If it makes any sense, repeat the process and ask different questions. If it is something meaningless, pass the book to the next player.

Moreover, if you want to end the game, ask for the Red Book. Can I end the game?’ If it says meaningful, it means yes; if not, it means no.

4. Sara Sarita 

Sara Sarita is an India game. This game is similar to Red Book. You need permission to start and end the game. Take a coin and place heads and tails. Ask, ‘Sara Sarita. Can we start the game?’ If it comes, head means yes, tails means no, and one tail and another head means maybe. Even to end the game, you must get permission like Red Book. 

3. The Lift Game

Take a lift alone from the ground floor with any friend. However, you need to plan the game with two other friends. The plan is to scare the lift friend. Back to the game, act like you are talking to a ghost, and that lift person will get scared. Tell your other friends to take a lift from another floor. They will also act like they are talking to a ghost. 

Furthermore, the friend will get scared. If you feel like they are panicking, stop the game. Try the game with your friends. 

2. Devil Face

Devil Face is a chilling game which will make you cry. Take 12 lightning candles and go to the bathroom at midnight. Lock the door from inside and place the candles just below the mirror. Now stand before the mirror, but do not look at it. Close your eyes and put your head down. At midnight, open your eyes and look in the mirror. The devil will snatch you inside it. 

1. Ouija Board

Ouija Board is one of the scariest games. You can buy the Ouija Board from the market; it comes with a planchet. Play this game with your group of friends for a better experience.  Place the Ouija board on a table and place the Planchet in its position. Turn off the room lights and decide who wants to ask questions. 

To communicate, take the name of the ghost you want to talk with. Ask the questions with a ghost. Once you are done, say goodbye to the ghost; it is important. Place the Board and Planchet in separate rooms, as they can be active if placed in the same area. 

Final Words

We have included the whole list in our search for scary games to play with friends. These games are scary, funny, and enjoyable. Some popular games like Ouija board, Devil Face and Red Book are already popular. You must have even played, but if not, you miss your life’s big fun. 

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